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Growing up I always had a love for photography. So, when the time came, I was excited to be able to pursue that further. I have slowly been updating all of the product pictures on the business website for Karl, along with taking pictures of new products that come in. 


While doing this, I have been working on consistency and lighting. I take the pictures on my phone and then edit them in Photoshop Lightroom. From there I then post the pictures onto the website where Karl will already have a page ready for me to put them. 

When looking at the website you can tell the difference in what pictures I have taken so far and what was previously up. My goal is to eventually update all of the old product pictures. So far, I believe that the website has improved exponentially from this. As for I have also learned so much from it as well. 

My Internship at Kaleidoscopes To You

Karl Schilling is the owner and operator of his shop, Kaleidoscopes To You. I met Karl in September 2021 during an art studio tour. I was instantly intrigued by all the fascinating things in his studio. I stayed for an hour talking with him and asking a million questions about his art world. He told me at that time that he was looking for an intern for photography. Once the time came for my internship to start, this was the first place I stopped at. Thankfully he was still looking for help and my new journey began!

Using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, I have been able to recreate logos for Karl. He asked first for a logo design for a sticker using his current logo. From there he gave me his ideas of what he was looking for. Then I was able to go off that and generate three ideas for him to pick from. When I created the sticker, I also incorporated a QR code so people could scan it and go directly to his website.

The next thing I started to create for Karl was brand new thumbnails for his website. On the website originally there was no consistency at all. I suggested a new form for them to make it more coherent and cleaner-looking. I have also been helping with a new design for completely updating the business website. 

A simpler website is the goal that we are going for. Currently in the works is a website reboot. I have designed a new logo for that upcoming site and couldn't be happier with it. I had a lot of fun creating it and I feel that it shows in the design. Being able to continue making these designs has helped my skills grow more and more. I have learned what it is like to create for an actual client. Making revisions along the way and getting a different perspective on my art skills have made me see things differently. 

Graphic & Web Design

Social Media

I have big plans for all of the social media accounts. Unfortunately, at this time, I cannot get into any of them. I would like to post updated pictures and videos on the business's Facebook and Instagram accounts. I have already come up with a social media plan for what I post, where I post it, and when I post it. 

Even though I cannot get into those accounts, I did create a TikTok for the business. I have never made TikTok videos before or even edited videos for that matter. This was a huge learning curve for me, but an extremely exciting one. The same videos that I post on TikTok I also put on YouTube. Every day I have new ideas of what I can make a video of. I can't wait to learn more and exceed my skills in that process.

When I brought up creating a TikTok, Karl was all for it. I not only wanted more people to see how amazing kaleidoscopes can be with the different styles and colors, but I also wanted to reach the younger demographic. With the few videos that I have posted so far, I feel that I have had a great number of views for such a new account. I am super excited to create more content and hopefully more clients for this business.


One of the best things I get to do almost every day is the production of making kaleidoscopes! Karl has his own line of scopes called Color Spirits. Before I started working here, I never realized the random objects that went into kaleidoscopes. It is so fun to be able to pick and choose what beads, shells, glass, clay, and so many other objects to go into the cells. 

There are many different styles for the color spirits. Cobalt, White, Black Bling, and Charcoal are a few options available. For the most part, they have their recipe for what goes into it. I may have to use certain colors for it but I still get to choose exactly what goes into it. 

Karl likes to add a custom glass piece in every color spirit to go inside. He uses cane glass with hand tools and a flame, called lampworking. This to me is a great way of making it more unique and having a piece of yourself in it. Once I am more settled in the shop, Karl will be teaching me this process and I honestly can't wait for that day. This will be an amazing new skill with which I can get even more creative.

My Time at Kaleidoscopes to You

This was Karl's first time having an intern at his studio. I have been so thankful for the opportunity that he has given me. In such a short time I have learned a large variety of things and still have so much to learn! It has been amazing to be able to use my creative flow with how I take pictures or use a certain color palette with making kaleidoscopes. 

The goals that were set were for photography, graphic design, web design, social media, and production. While I have been here, we have been able to hit all of those goals and create new ones. Karl has helped push my creative side and embrace it more. I love being able to do so many different things. I personally like to move around a lot and work with my hands. Luckily enough I can pick and choose what I would like to do and when I can do it. I can spend time taking pictures and editing them for the website. If I don't want to sit at my computer for that long, then I can go and make kaleidoscopes.


If I have completed my to-do list, then I go and find something to do. Normally, I take video footage and gather more content for future videos. There is always something to do at this studio and I love being able to learn new things each day. 

During my time here I have helped update the website, design, photograph, and make kaleidoscopes. Learning to use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop has helped me with all of the graphics that I create. I wouldn't have been able to create all new thumbnails without both of those programs. Composition, color, QR codes, and minimalistic designs have all helped me throughout this process. 


Every day I am here, Karl tells me how much he appreciates me being there. How much I have helped exponentially and how he values my work. I believe that we have helped each other in many different ways and that it has been a great fit for both of us. This has been one of the best and most fun experiences that I have had in my lifetime. I am excited to see what the future holds for me here. 

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