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Artist Statement

When it comes to art, everything is about the feeling of it. If I'm having a happy day, my artwork will reflect that. When times are tough, my colors will change. I like to have variety in my pieces. Not everything is the same. My photography will be of landscapes or animals mainly. I love country life and I feel that when I take pictures, they showcase that.


Every day is a new day to try something new and experiment with different mediums. I love the freedom that comes with art. It's a wonderful way to express yourself and release any built-up feelings you have inside. 


Mollie Boettcher was born and raised in Minnesota and moved to Iowa in early 2019 and back to her hometown in 2022. Throughout her life she has always been artistic in one form or another. She loves anything from drawing to playing instruments. 

She decided to go back to school in 2019 for her high school equivalency diploma. After achieving that she moved on to college at NIACC. She started as a business major and switched her major after a year to Graphic Communications. Mollie needed to utilize her creative side more with her degree. She is extremely happy with the new path she has chosen.

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